Recently while preparing for a webinar on the Google Analytics (GA) platform, I noticed Google’s tag line “Turn insights into action” and thought…that would make for a great post.

The webinar was for a group of Communications Directors and their staff members with varying levels of GA experience.

My first goal was to hit the middle-ground between basic and advanced topics, so those who were just getting started with GA would have their interests piqued. For those needing more meat, I directed them to Google’s many resources in the form of articles and videos.

My second goal was to help them make the connection between the numbers (KPIs) and the actions that build their brand, traffic and content consumption. Because knowing what the numbers are saying is more important than knowing what the numbers are.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provide organisational insight into its health, its customers, its membership and operational efficiencies.

KPIs help organisations find solutions, set strategic priorities, manage expectations and plan future direction. KPIs increase visibility and communication across the organisation along with its customers, members and other stakeholders.

So the next time you look at your analytics, take a moment, pause and put your organisation’s objectives in mind and ask questions of the data that lead to greater insight and action.

For example, instead of just seeing how many sessions (visitors) you had last month, ask yourself, why did they come? What did they do? What path did they take through the site? Why did they take that path? Was there a better path? Could we have made the journey shorter? Did they get what they came for? And so on.

Need help turning insights into action? Call 647-286-6256 or e-mail